Motorcycle Gear Storage

If nearly perfectly paved, often twisty roads, wooded scenery, lots of lakes and a great storage solution all sound like a good formula for your motorcycle enthusiasm… we think so to!

Riding a motorcycle is one of the most fun things you can do, but we think organizing our garage is to!

Motorcycle accessories come in all shapes and sizes for all types of bikes and storeWALL makes it easy to locate the stuff you want for the type of riding you do.

  • StoreWALL was based on an old proven product. We took slatwall and made it a lot better. We made it tougher, stronger, waterproof and easy to install.
  • Accessories can be hung anywhere and are completely portable, versatile and interchangeable..
  • Our storeWALL shelveshooks and speciality accessories free up precious floor space.
  • Every storeWALL accessory features the exclusive CamLok, for maximum performance and security. With CamLok, a simple twist locks or unlocks the accessory, so that it can be locked in place or easily moved.

Motorcycle accessories on wall stroageBy placing a storeWALL Shelf next to the door, your motorcycle stuff can have its own designated space. A 2.5″ single hook to grab your jacket and go. For wet or muddy boots, the storeWALL Angle Shelf has a vented design that allows drip drying. A Shallow Basket will hold all your gloves, goggles and other gear.

And when the seasons change and 2 wheels give way to 4 wheels, simply move your riding gear to a less accessible area and make room for the cold weather gear.

storeWALL… Storage that Works!

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Photo of a tape measure showing how to measure slatwall panel to ensure you have 3-inch slats.